Oak Street Station
Transit Oriented Development Master Plan
This is a master plan that I created in 2010 while in graduate school for a, now existing, but at that time, future light rail station in Lakewood, Colorado along the West Corridor that stretches from downtown Denver to the Jefferson County Government Center in Golden. We were tasked with analyzing current conditions and proposing a new economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable transit oriented community, balancing elements of a research and development complex, commercial, retail, offices, live-work, residential, open space, and other lively public spaces.
Based on existing site analysis, the concept for the proposal is a harmonious gradient of use and intensity from the bustling, commercial northwest corner of the site to the calm, residential and green-space uses to the southeast. The main attraction of the proposal for the site is the welcoming, tree-lined promenade that brings the existing park at the southern tip of the site all the way up to the north edge. The path intertwines with a small drainage stream, hugging mini plazas that offer eclectic and culturally stimulating vendors and performers. Enchanting like Las Ramblas in Barcelona, Spain, this feature is a destination mecca that welcomes local and visiting pedestrians as the guests of honor, but also accommodates the automobile.